Rachel Fish, Ph.D.

Rachel Fish is the co-founder of Boundless, a think-action tank partnering with community leaders to revitalize Israel education and take bold collective action to combat Jew-hatred. Fish is a celebrated academic with 20 years of experience in the fields of Israeli history, Zionist thought, and Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized for her teaching prowess and pedagogical approaches, Dr. Fish has published extensively and is frequently called upon to advise on community interventions to reclaim an Israel discourse that is nuanced and complex while remaining accessible to a broad audience. Currently, Dr. Fish holds a position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development teaching Israeli history and society at The George Washington University. She is also developing an initiative at Brandeis University to educate university leaders and K-12 educational leadership about antisemitism.

July 11, 2024

Episode 9: David and Goliath

In the decades following the Six-Day War in 1967, anti-Zionism gained momentum in American academia and led to the rise of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement on college campuses. Nearly sixty years later, the October 7, 2023, Hamas...