Scott C. Miller

Scott C. Miller Profile Photo

Assistant professor | Darden School of Business and the Miller Center for Public Affairs | UVA

Scott C. Miller is Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Darden School of Business and Postdoctoral Fellow in Economic and Business History at Yale School of Management's International Center for Finance. As an economic historian, Miller examines the development of modern economic systems, particularly during period of instability and volatility. In two different veins of research, Miller uses economic crises as a lens to isolate mechanisms of change in the early American Republic and 1840s Europe, with broad corollaries for modern systems in the first and second stages of economic development. Miller's work frames the early American republic as a resource-rich, capital- and labor-poor developing economy, which was reliant on and subject to global export markets dominated by global hegemons such as Great Britain.

June 8, 2024

Episode 8: The Trade

At the dawn of a new era after the Seven Years’ War, British officials envision commerce and colonies as the key to British independence and its rising glory, but trade in commodities and manufactured goods comes at an awful…