Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant

Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant

Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant is a podcast that showcases 18th and early 19th-century women’s letters that don’t always make it into the history books. Join historian Kathryn Gehred and her guests as they explore the lives of women and the world around them through their letters.

Recent Episodes

Feb. 25, 2025

Episode 57: Those Tumultuous Assemblies of Men

Dr. Cynthia Kierner joins host Kathryn Gehred to discuss a 1778 letter from Richard Henry Lee to his sister Hannah Lee Corbin. In a lost letter, Hannah previously expressed her frustrations that widows are being taxed without representation. In this...
Jan. 28, 2025

Episode 56: The Most Dreadful Of All Enemies

Dr. Jacqueline Beatty joins host Kathryn Gehred to discuss The Petition of Belinda from 1783 in which Belinda Sutton petitions The Massachusetts General Court for the funds left to her by her enslaver Isaac Royall after he fled the colonies during the...
Dec. 20, 2024

Episode 55: An Insurrection Was Hourly Expected

Ramin Ganeshram joins Kathryn Gehred to discuss excerpts from Janet Shaw’s Journal of a lady of quality; being the narrative of a journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the years 1774 to 1776. Ganeshram and Gehred...
Nov. 26, 2024

Episode 54: I Am Frightened When I Look At Her

Mary Wigge joins Kathryn Gehred to discuss a letter from Lucy Flucker Knox to her husband General Henry Knox in which she describes how she spends her days during the Revolutionary War. Lucy, a wealthy Tory's daughter whose parents and siblings have...
Nov. 5, 2024

Bonus: A Humble Origin Story

In this bonus episode of Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant, Kathryn Gehred dives into the podcast's origin story. While working as an editor of the Papers of Martha Washington, Gehred became very familiar with how people wrote letters in the...
Oct. 29, 2024

Episode 53: By Being Almost Murdered

Dr. Maeve Kane joins Kathryn Gehred to explore Konwatsi'tsiaienni Molly Brant’s life during the American Revolution. Brant was a member of the Wolf Clan of the Mohawk Nation, one of the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Kane and Gerhred...
Oct. 22, 2024

Season 4: A Season of Revolution

We are excited to announce that on October 29 Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant will be back with Season Four. This season, we're exploring revolutionary America through the words written by women. We'll follow along in letters as women...
Aug. 13, 2024

Votes for Women!

Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant has been nominated for the Women in Podcasting Awards! We would really appreciate it if you would vote for the podcast in the history category. Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant is up against some GREAT...
June 18, 2024

Episode 52: Screaming Among Her Fellows

Catharine Maria Sedgwick to Eliza Cabot Follen, February 18, 1828. In which Sedgwick writes to her dear friend Cabot Follen about the need for a new minister, pieces she has recently read and written, and an exquisite Valentine.   Featuring...
May 22, 2024

Episode 51: O Women of America!

Woman's Political Future - An Address by Frances E. W. Harper to the Chicago World's Fair, 20 May 1893. In which Harper champions morality, civil rights, and civic duty in Jim Crow America.  Featuring Chole Porche, Ph.D. candidate in the Corcoran...
April 16, 2024

Episode 50: The Feathers are the only Tolerable Ones

Martha Washington to Eleanor Parke Custis, c. February 1797. In which Washington warns her granddaughter that her dress may not arrive from Philadelphia in time for a Virginia ball.  Featuring , Assistant Professor of History, St. Michael's...
March 19, 2024

Episode 49: Deposition of Phillis Tatton

Deposition of Phillis Tatton, 3rd November 1837 In which Phillis Hinkley Saunders Tatton appeared before the County of Probate in the state of Connecticut in an attempt to secure a pension for her late husband’s service during the American...

About the Hosts

Kathyrn Gehred Profile Photo

Kathyrn Gehred


Kathryn Gehred has a master's degree in Women's History from Sarah Lawrence College and was part of a team of editors who completed The Papers of Martha Washington, a transcribed collection of all of Martha Washington's known correspondence published by UVA Press in 2022. She began releasing Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant in 2020 as a personal side project because she thought a podcast would be a great way to share some of her favorite 18th-century women's letters with the world

Jeanette Patrick Profile Photo

Jeanette Patrick

Head of Studio

Jeanette Patrick is the Head of R2 Studios. She is a public historian and has an M.A. in Public History from James Madison University. At R2 Studios, she oversees the development and production of all the studio’s podcasts including Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant, The Green Tunnel, Worlds Turned Upside Down, and Antisemitism U.S.A. Patrick previously worked in the museum industry where she played a pivotal role in creating digital public history projects. Prior to R2 Studios, Patrick worked for George Washington’s Mount Vernon, where she managed the history and preservation website content and built many digital exhibits. She also wrote scripts for audio and AR tours, live-action films, and animated videos. With Jim Ambuske, Patrick co-created and co-wrote the podcast Intertwined: The Enslaved Community at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Jim Ambuske Profile Photo

Jim Ambuske

Co-Head of Studio

Jim Ambuske is Co-Head of R2 Studios. He is a historian of the American Revolution, Scotland, and the British Atlantic World. He received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Virginia in 2016 and he is the author and co-author of several publications on the American Revolution, transatlantic legal history, and King George III. At R2 Studios, Ambuske serves as the narrator, writer, and creator of the forthcoming series Worlds Turned Upside Down. He is also an executive producer of Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant, The Green Tunnel, and Antisemitism U.S.A. Before joining R2 Studios, Ambuske led the Center for Digital History at the Washington Library at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Hayley Madl Profile Photo

Hayley Madl

Graduate Research Assistant

Hayley Madl is a Ph.D. student at George Mason University. She currently works as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and as a Podcast Producer at R2 Studios whose credits include The Green Tunnel and Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant. Hayley’s past work has centered on Indigenous expressions of sovereignty in treaty councils during the eighteenth century, particularly among the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations). Her current research focuses on the applications of 3D modeling and digital reconstruction to community memory and lost landscapes, especially within Indigenous communities.

Annabelle Spencer Profile Photo

Annabelle Spencer

Graduate Research Assistant

Annabelle Spencer is a PhD student in History, specializing in Women & Gender History and Digital Humanities, and is a Graduate Research Assistant at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. She received her BA in History from Austin Peay State University and MA in History with a concentration in Applied History from George Mason University‬‭, receiving also the Smithsonian Mason Certificate in Digital Public Humanities.

Rachel Bodily Birch Profile Photo

Rachel Bodily Birch

Graduate Research Assistant

Rachel earned a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Brigham Young University and will complete a Master’s degree in History from George Mason University in 2024. Rachel's research focuses on nineteenth and twentieth century American religion, religious benevolence, and women’s history. She is especially interested in the importance of oral history. Rachel is a Graduate Student Affiliate at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.

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