Alexandra Garrett

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Dr. Alexandra Garrett is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Saint Michael’s College. She is a historian of early America, women, gender, and slavery. She is currently working on a microhistory that analyzes the life of Kate McCall (1766-1828), a wealthy, never-married, and Enlightenment-educated white woman who lived and controlled enslaved people in the Northern Neck region of Virginia.

M.A., Ph.D. University of Virginia
B.A. St. Olaf College

April 16, 2024

Episode 50: The Feathers are the only Tolerable Ones

Martha Washington to Eleanor Parke Custis, c. February 1797. In which Washington warns her granddaughter that her dress may not arrive from Philadelphia in time for a Virginia ball.  Featuring , Assistant Professor of History, St. Michael's...