Amelia Golcheski

Amelia Golcheski Profile Photo

Amelia Golcheski is the CEO and Executive Director of the Cashiers Historical Society. She has over ten years of professional and educational experience and has honed her research, writing, and analytical skills to effectively communicate historical themes and content with a variety of audiences. She is working on a Ph.D. in History at Emory University. Her research examines the professionalization of women’s care labor in central Appalachia at the end of the 20th century.

Sept. 19, 2023

Episode 43: That B**** Maria Goodwin

Sarah E. Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, March 30, 1821 In which Sarah E. Nicholas writes to her sister Jane H. Nicholas Randolph about an incident in the streets of Baltimore. Kathryn Gehred is joined by Amelia Golcheski, the CEO and Executive...