Dr. Natasha Simonova

Dr. Natasha Simonova Profile Photo

Gwyneth Emily Rankin Official Fellow and Lecturer in English

Dr. Simonova works primarily on fiction and critical prose in the long 18th century, with particular interests in the history of 'amateur' and 'professional' authorship, women's writing, and the relationship between the romance and novel. Her first monograph examined the development of sequels by 'other hands' in this period. Her current research looks at the contribution of women to the development of 'English Literature' as a discipline. She is also writing a book about the Grey family of Wrest Park, and what their extensive correspondence can tell us about women's amateur writing and intellectual lives.

Simonova is one of the co-editors of the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing.

May 23, 2023

Episode 39 - Not One Single Subject To Entertain You With

Jemima Grey, Amabel Grey, and Mary Grey to Catherine Talbot, 15 November 1765. In which Jemima Grey and her two daughters, Bell who is 14 and Mouse who is 9, provide a very comical update about their life near Cambridge. Kathryn Gehred is joined...