Kathryn Blizzard

Kathryn Blizzard Profile Photo

Kathryn Blizzard is a Communications Specialist and Research Editor for The Washington Papers. She creates editorial content for outreach and publicity as well as assisting in editorial work. Ms. Blizzard received a B.A. from University of Virginia in Anthropology and History and an M.P.A. from Old Dominion University.

July 25, 2023

Episode 41: Very Eccentric & I Think a Little Crazy

Phoebe Pemberton Morris to Rebecca Wistar Morris Nourse, 28 February 1812. In which Phoebe Pemberton Morris writes to her sister Rebecca Wistar Morris Nourse about the many social events she is attending in the Federal City, including the birthnight...
July 8, 2021

Episode 25 — If A Lady CAN Be Patriotic...

Martin Van Buren to Judith Rives, 1 April 1835 I…